Sunday, September 16, 2007

Physical Computing Observation Assignment

Observe people using technology.

Early in the morning I went to the gym and the attendant scanned my gym pass. Often this technology is not working as as many days as they scan the card, I have to write in my number

Walking up Broadway is usually a chore as people are on their phones talking and texting as they walk.

When I went to order my coffee at Starbucks, I noticed that the cashier types in my order and it appears as a label on my cup.

At the grocery store the items I bought are scanned.

Later in the afternoon I saw an electronic billboard and was struck by its changing imagery as well as the luminosity of its display.

When I had to buy a new metro card I paid attention to the interface of the machines. These are much better designed than any bank machine I have used. The display is clear and the steps to purchase or refill a card easy to use.

In most of my observations I was sruck by how we take advantage of technology without realizing we are using it.

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